Category: Most Popular

January 20, 2015
2015 – The Year of Mobile Web Design

Welcome to 2015, or as I call it, the year of mobile. After years of carefully watching statistics chronicling increased mobile adoption by consumers, devouring several reports published this past year and poring over local and national data Evolve Creative Group collected, it's more than evident we need to adapt and change the way we think about our ongoing marketing initiatives.

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July 9, 2013
Responsive Web Design vs. Mobile Site

Let's step away from our computers for a moment and go for a quick, imaginary walk. I'll even let you pick where. The mall? A park? Downtown? Take your pick, and then take a second and look around. I'll bet you can't make it 50 feet without running into someone using a mobile device of […]

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May 3, 2013
Developing a Content Marketing Strategy: Choosing a Distribution Channel – Part Four

by Dave Crader Welcome to the fourth addition to our Content Marketing Strategy Development blog series. You may be interested in reading these previous posts before diving into this one: Part 1: How To Develop a Customer Persona Part 1 explains why customer personas are important and how to develop them. Part 2: Aligning Personas […]

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January 4, 2013
Developing a Content Marketing Strategy: Customer Personas – Part One

If you were asked to describe your customers, what would you say? Would you begin listing their age, gender, race, employment status and other demographic data or would you list their behaviors and attitudes? Dave Crader, Web Marketing Strategist at Evolve Creative Group, explains the importance of customer personas and how to go about creating them.

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November 20, 2012
How-To Recover From Google Penalties & Filters

Recovering from a Google penalty or filter is never a fun task. It will take a lot of time to fix, and there’s no guarantee anything you try will actually remove the penalty. However, there are a few things you can and should do before giving up.

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November 9, 2012
What is a Wireframe and Why is it Important?

Kiersten Bonifant, Web Designer at Evolve Creative Group, explains what a wire-frame is and why it's important to make one before designing a website. She'll review three main benefits of wire framing as well as some best practices to consider.

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Evolve Marketing - Akron, OH Digital Marketing Agency
Developing strategies. Designing experiences.

Driving growth.
