The world of web is constantly changing to make the web experience better for the user, and website accessibility is no exception. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of website accessibility and how to make your website ADA Compliant.
The world of web is constantly changing to make the web experience better for the user, and website accessibility is no exception. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of website accessibility and how to make your website ADA Compliant.
Welcome to 2015, or as I call it, the year of mobile. After years of carefully watching statistics chronicling increased mobile adoption by consumers, devouring several reports published this past year and poring over local and national data Evolve Creative Group collected, it's more than evident we need to adapt and change the way we think about our ongoing marketing initiatives.
Let's step away from our computers for a moment and go for a quick, imaginary walk. I'll even let you pick where. The mall? A park? Downtown? Take your pick, and then take a second and look around. I'll bet you can't make it 50 feet without running into someone using a mobile device of […]
With a new year comes exciting new possibilities. These often come in the form of resolutions, but here at Evolve, we took a stab at predicting how several of the key aspects of the Web world might change in 2012.
We're now entering yet another revolution of the Internet called Web 3.0. This time, the Web will transform into one massive database of information. For example, if you wanted to buy a used car today, you'd probably visit or to begin your search. With Web 3.0, the databases from all used car websites would be combined into one massive search engine.
Considering you're dealing with a device that doesn't have the memory or screen size of a desktop computer, your website needs to be optimized to display correctly on a phone. Imagine a user trying to access your current desktop site on a mobile device. Your current layout may look completely discombobulated, or the site may not even load at all.