Why Mobile Will Run Web 3.0

By Todd BertschJun 22, 2011

At the dawn of the Internet, Web 1.0 ruled all of cyberspace. It was a dull time filled with static, boring and read-only type webpages. The evolution of Web 2.0 around 2002 gave the Internet some much needed flare. It encouraged two-way interaction through blogs (TMZ), wikis (Wikipedia) and social networks (Facebook). We're now entering yet another revolution of the Internet called Web 3.0. This time, the Internet will transform into one massive database of information. For example, if you wanted to buy a used car today, you'd probably visit cars.com or autotrader.com to begin your search. With Web 3.0, the databases from all used car websites would be combined into one massive search engine.

The Machines Are Evolving

Web 3.0 will be a place where computers "read" and understand the context of a page just like humans do. It'll streamline every type of electronic media into one massive pipeline. Once this evolution is complete, we can say goodbye to phone lines, cable lines and radio waves. Everything will run off of one single source, the Internet.

Linkedin founder Reid Hoffman explains it like this: Web 1.0 involved going to search engines and receiving data, Web 2.0 involved developing relationships and collecting data from real identities, while Web 3.0 involves using real identities to generate massive amounts of data and organizing it in way so it can be discovered without any keywords.

Why Will Mobile Devices Prevail in This Revolution?

Simple – they'll be the batteries that make it run. Ninety percent of the world is predicted to own a mobile phone capable of accessing the Internet in 2014. Instead of turning on the TV and picking a channel, your mobile device will suggest what to watch, and stream it instantly through a television monitor. Radio will work in a similar fashion, and desktops will be completely converted to mobile devices. Virtually all transmittable services will be stored on one handheld mobile device. Nearly everything electronic will be connected via Wi-Fi, and everything will be working together synergistically to create what's presently being called "The Semantic Web." Searches will be so defined that all we'll need is a tiny mobile screen to get the information we need.

There are conflicting opinions as to what Web 3.0 actually is. Some say it's the expansion of virtual worlds like Second Life, where virtual malls and virtual play dates become a reality. Others say it's the development of massive networks tailored more towards machines than users for the first time in history. Almost all the theorists agree mobile technology will be at the forefront of any new Internet technological push.

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